The Tin Whistles started as a golfing group in 1904. The founding members were individuals wintering in the Pinehurst area who developed friendships through golf and socializing. These friends created the Tin Whistles Club, now simply know as The Tin Whistles (TW). Today the organization is recognized as the oldest men’s golf association in the United States.
The founders of the TWSF (Parker Hall & Vice Admiral William E. Gentner) decided that contributing to the future of a Moore County student was a way to “give back” to the community they enjoyed. The organization first awarded two four-year scholarships which has grown to a total of five four-year scholarships today. The Tin Whistles membership has donated, over the past 45 years, $2.1M in scholarships to 165 students (through 2024). The Pilot has recognized the Foundation's work as the "Gold Standard" of scholarships in the county.
The TWSF is a 501 (c)(3) corporation, sponsored by The Tin Whistles, Inc., operated exclusively for charitable purposes. The Board consists of 12 trustees and three ex officio members, all Tin Whistles. Four trustees are appointed each year for a three-year term. The three ex officio voting members are the Tin Whistles President, Vice President (which change yearly) & the Club Captain.
The TWSF works closely with the guidance counsellors and principals of the four high schools in Moore County, relying upon their knowledge of the student body to identify potentially qualified individuals. High school college coordinators are provided with copies of the TWSF Application, and details on the deadline for making application for a scholarship. A Scholarship Selection Committee conducts interviews with the applicants, and applies the selection criteria (academic, extra- curricular, leadership, financial need) to select the awardees. The Foundation conducts an orientation program for new Scholars, typically in June, and holds a Scholar Reception to introduce both new Scholars and Scholar Alumni to the members of Tin Whistles.
NORTH MOORE | Ashlee Ciccone Jenna Nelson |
Principal Scholarship Coordinator |
PINECREST | Stephanie Phillips Karen Filosa |
Principal Scholarship Coordinator |
O’NEAL SCHOOL | Dr. William Dale McInnis |
Principal Director of College Counseling |
UNION PINES | Andy McCormick Jodie Moyer |
Principal Scholarship Coordinator |
Active since 2018, the Foundation’s Scholar Network Committee has been working to create and maintain a network of former and current scholars to foster the concept that a TW Scholar is a “Scholar for Life.” With over 165 Scholars, the network enables scholar alumni to assist each other professionally in their various careers and to receive guidance from the extensive network of over 300 Tin Whistles with applicable skills and experience. The goal is to foster a community spirit of giving back in time and talent to the mission of the Scholarship Foundation.
Participation on the committee is open to Tin Whistles and, in particular, Scholar Alumni who want to support growing the Alumni Network, its purpose and annual deliverables. The meetings are held several times a year, typically including Video Conference Calls, allowing participation for Scholars who are not in the local Pinehurst area.
“Scholar Connections,” is a quarterly newsletter produced by the Scholar Network Committee. It regularly features profiles of Scholars, invitations to events, and includes a survey for Scholars to voice their opinions, suggestions and provide insights into their interest in services. The newsletter is a great way to maintain contact with The Tin Whistles organization and supports networking opportunities among the scholars.
Created in 2019, the Tin Whistles LinkedIn Group was formed to provide a platform to support meaningful mentoring connections between Scholars and TW members. This “closed” group is open only to Scholars and TW members by invitation, and those interested should contact: for an invitation and details on how to join. Any Scholar seeking professional connections, mentoring or career support is encouraged to reach out via email or to make their interests known through the closed LinkedIn group.
The Scholar Network Committee also maintains a Facebook page, an Instagram page, and a YouTube page for networking and communication purposes. Consider bookmarking these pages as an additional way to stay informed about TWSF Scholar activities.
The committee is also working to organize Scholar networking opportunities, both in-person and via video conference calls. A group of Moore County based Scholars offers on-going networking periodically and all Scholars are notified by Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, email or “Scholar Connections”.
Scholars are also invited to the New Scholars Luncheon, typically held annually in May, as well as a year-end Holiday Party. Both provide excellent ways for Scholars to maintain contact with one another and the Tin Whistles Scholarship Foundation.
The Scholar Network Committee is dedicated to working to foster and sustain this powerful network for the growing number of Alumni and Tin Whistles alike.